Samstag, 31. Dezember 2011

Kadie Driscoll - Meme

Ich hab endlich mal ein vernünftiges Bild von Kadie gemacht... ^^ Ich vernachlässige eh die wichtegeren Charas, bin halt so'n Nebenchara-Mensch XD

1. What is your real name?
Kadie: I'm Kadie Driscoll.

2. What is your surname?
Kadie: As I said, it's Kadie.

3. What are your three most popular nicknames?
Kadie: Well, I haven't got any nicknames... Hey, I want a nickname!!

4. What is your favorite color?
Kadie: It's yellow ^^

5. What is your favorite animal?
Kadie: I love canaries! There are so cute~ ♥

6. What type of animal/race of human/mythical species are you?
Kadie: I'm 100% human.

7. What is your favorite song?
Kadie: Angels to fly from Ed Sheeran.

8. What is your favorite band?
Kadie: There isn't really a favorite band but probably I like

9. What is your favorite TV station?
Kadie: Don't watch TV :P

10. What is your favorite pastime?
Kadie: Working on my story! And how to write a proper story!

11. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Kadie: I wanr to be happy ^^ Well, maybe a writer.

12. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were 4-7 years old?
Kadie: A famous artist!

13. Time to get more wacko and personal… are you intimidated?
Kadie: No, never ^^ Just go on ^^

14. Who do you have a crush on / who are you in a relationship with?
Kadie: Currently there's not really someone... Maybe Valeri .///.

15. Are you cheating?
Kadie: I wouldn't do this! :O

16. Have you ever cheated on someone before?
Kadie: No, really never ever ^^

17. Do you drink often?
Kadie: I don't drink...

18. Do you smoke often?
Kadie: And I don't smoke...

19. What is your addiction? We know you have at least one.
Kadie: Rachel-chan *lol* And drawing, I can't living without drawing!

20. What is your naughtiest / dirtiest habit?
Kadie: That's a diffucult question... I'm a fangirl.

21. What's your sex life like?
Kadie: There's nothing at all........... *silence*

22. Have you had a recurring dream before? If so, what was it about? Explain.
Kadie: It's a dream where I ride on something and have to find the right way to fulfill a very important mission... Although I don't know what this mission is about...

23. What was the last dream [ you can remember ] about?
Kadie: About a day in autumn. Really beautiful.

24. Tell me something that could make you smile without fail.
Kadie: Everything with a happy end! :3

25. What is your favorite thing to drink?
Kadie: It's water, water and nothing else.

26. What is your master goal in life?
Kadie: It's a big goal, I think. I would like to have many adventures with my siblings and friends to write them down for my story!

27. What is your most recent wish?
Kadie: I want to ride a motorbike ^^ But nobody really wants me to do this...

28. If you could accomplish one thing for yourself or someone else, anything at all, what would it be?
Kadie: Ich finde, das sich diese öminösen und verdächtigen Ereignisse mehr als häufen, also wäre es gut, wenn es aufhört... Ich weiß nicht, wie lange man das noch durchhalten kann :/ Andererseits will ich endlich richtig Geschichten schreiben lernen! Ich bin nämlich überhaupt gar nicht gut, richtige und passende Worte zu finden... denke ich jedenfalls.

29. Tell me something that desire that you can't accomplish by yourself; something that someone else has to do for you.
Kadie: Der Lehrer soll weg q_____q

30. What is your worst weakness?
Kadie: Ich kann nicht kämpfen q_____q"

31. What is your worst fear?
Kadie: Ach Gott, es sind Katzen! Während andere sie süß finden, suche ich das Weite q____q

32. Name off five traits of your dream boy/girl.
Kadie: Das ist eine schöne Frage! ♥ Er sollte zuvorkommend sein, charmant, aber nicht geheimnisvoll! Und er soll etwas von Pflege wissen! Hmm, dann vllt. noch, dass er gut mit anderen Menschen umgehen kann ^^

33. What is your idea of the best day ever?
Kadie: Totally romantic! It's evening, the sun goes down and me with my date! ♥

34. Who is your best friend?
Kadie: His name's Giulio ^^

35. Who is your worst enemy?
Kadie: My teacher... Puma... q_____q

36. Describe to me your most prized possession.
Kadie: Es ist klein. Ich trage es sehr gerne in meinen Haaren. Ehm, es ist die Haarspange meiner Mutter. Ich habe es immer sehr gemocht! Und eines Tages hat sie mir es geschenkt. Ich weiß, es ist nicht super wertvoll, aber ich liebe es einfach! ^^

37. If you could make peace / friends with anyone right now, who would they be?
Kadie: Am ehesten mit Valeri. Wir wohnen zwar unterm selben Dach, aber na ja... Seitdem wir uns das erste Mal begegnet sind, läuft es nicht sonderlich gut. Man sollte sich wenigstens verstehen, oder?

38. The president announces that the world will come to an end at midnight of the next day, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Who would you want to spend the last day of humanity with, and what would you do?
Kadie: Mit meiner Familie. Immer und ewig, egal, was passiert. Aber der Gedanke ist... Wie sollman sagen, ich glaube, ich bekomme Angst.

39. What is the one thing you desire above all else as of today?
Kadie: Wieso gibt es so viele Fragen, die um meine Wünsche gehen...? Ich kann mich nur wiederholen ^^

40. The UPS man leaves a box on your door when you aren't expecting any packages. You open it to find a fancy glass bottle that resembles something between women's perfume and a wine bottle; the label reads "SHALTEIR's Love Liquid." Who do you test it on and how do you sneak it to them? ;3
Kadie: Oha! Ich würde das als erstes an Rayan und Mika-nee-chan ausprobieren! ^^

41. You lover / best friend is announced dead via suicide. How do you react?
Kadie: That isn't even asurd...... I would surely be shocked!

42. You were walking alone through your local park come 11:24pm at night when out of the blue you get tackled from behind. What is you next move?
Kadie: Kadie falls... and then I start looking around me for the tackler...

43. You're having a movie-at-home date tonight. When you go to blockbuster, what are your top three movie options that you and your date would probably enjoy?
Kadie: Pirates of the Carribean! °___° All three movies plus one! *lol*

44. Back to reality… who are you the angriest at?
Kadie: If a super villain starts to talk like he's the superior and don't even realises what's up in front of him!

45. What was the scariest moment of your life?
Kadie: There were actually two incidents. The first one was in Sinatra. Everyody was beaten up, just Chris and me would actually fight agianst this scary guy... q____q
The second one was with this scary guy again. He was in pur city Nipa and played something like >Cat and Mouse< with us... I was so scared cause I dinn't know where he was! He could be everywhere! Fortunately this nightmare stopped... ;___;

46. What was the best moment of your life?
Kadie: Ich glaube, der wartet noch auf mich... :)

47. What was the worst moment of your life?
Kadie: Siehe die Frage von vorher... Ich hoffe, es wartet nicht auf mich! XD

48. What was the saddest moment of your life?
Kadie: Ach, das war, als Valeri mich zusammengestaucht hat <<

49. How do you think you'll die / how did you die?
Kadie: Wenn, dann will ich auf einer Blumenwiese sterben.

50. What is your "theme song" – in your opinion, a friend's opinion, or your creators?
Little Numbers - BOY

Langes Meme ist lang ^^
Ich wünsche guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr -^^-

Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011


So, mein Weihnachtsbild :3 Ich hab ehrlich zwei bis drei Stunden an den Lines gesessen! Alter, ich kann das echt nicht fassen! Aber das Schlimmste ist, dass ich beim Radieren wieder einen Knick reingemacht hab -__________-
Woah, jetzt müssen die Lines erstmal unter meinen ganze Schulsachen versinken XD

Ihr Kopf ist so groß q_____q

Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011

In the shadows

Lang nichts mehr hier gemacht...
Ehrlich, Buntstifte sind irgendwie nicht meine Freunde, auch wenn es mal eine Zeit gab, wo es schön rund lief :3

Echo und sein Bruder Jack, in ihrer Kindheit :3 Fand das so niedlich, dass ich das einscannen musste XD [aus meinen Kalender aus 2003... zweckentfremdet als Sketchbook x'D]

Ailin Lan und Jack alias the peacock & the warship :3
Die Hautcolo is immer so scheiße ;___;